Sunday, 30 December 2007

Healthy Foods Part 3: Diuretic Foods!

Diuretic Foods: Why Getting Rid Of Water Can Help You Lose Weight

In terms of weight loss, many of the major foods we eat every day are well documented for their great results, but the diuretic foods available are not. They should be though! Diuretic foods are well known for their ability to keep the body healthy by helping it to release excess fluid that is not needed for any of its functions. It does this by elevating the level and frequency of urination. The body has a nasty habit of retaining water, which can put a lot of pressure on vital organs like the heart, lungs and kidneys and so diuretic foods can really help to alleviate the strain and maintain its health for a lot longer than would otherwise be possible. However, they aren’t known for helping people to lose weight, and yet this is an essential function of diuretic foods in many of the best diets out there at the moment.

There are many diuretic foods out there, and most of them are considered staple elements of a healthy diet already. Parsley, watercress, melon, asparagus, artichoke, celery, juniper berries and dandelion are all foods that have diuretic properties. Coffee, tea and coke also have a diuretic effect owing to the theobromine in caffeine, which increases urine volume, although too much caffeine can actually reverse this property. It can actually cause the body to retain water if too much is consumed as a result of the initial strong diuretic effect that it has on the kidneys. As the body suffers from dehydration when caffeine is consumed, it is more likely to store as much water as possible in order to hydrate the next time it becomes available.

Diuretic foods can really help weight loss, and all because of the natural makeup of the body! All cells within the body contain between 65% and 90% water. All cells in the body need water to be able to function properly otherwise we’d be ill constantly. However, some cells tend to retain water more than others, especially if they’re not working properly. As cells hold so much water, if they are holding too much then you’ll put on weight. By making sure that your body only holds enough water to function correctly, you can make sure that your weight remains steady and, more importantly, low!

If you want to make sure that your body doesn’t contain too much water then diuretic foods should be a part of your diet! Diuretic foods will help you to lose weight because they get rid of any excess water that is in your system. By getting rid of that water, you can lose a lot of weight indeed. After all, think about why you weigh less in the morning than you do before you go to bed at night. Your body has gotten rid of the water that it doesn’t need when your body’s at its most relaxed – when you’re asleep! Diuretic foods help this function by flushing out extra water naturally, without the need for supplements.

There are diuretic supplements on the market that are designed to help you lose weight. However, they can actually flush out nutrients and minerals that your body needs. Diuretic foods, if eaten in moderate amounts can flush the water out but leave the minerals and nutrients that your body needs right where they should be!

Diuretic foods should only be eaten as part of a balanced diet to help you to lose weight, but they can be extremely effective. Why not lose weight and keep your organs healthy at the same time when all you have to do is eat a few vegetables and drink a cup of coffee?

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