Thursday, 24 January 2008

Healthy Foods Part 13: Foods To Help Detox Your Body

Feel Better And Lose Weight With Foods That Detoxify The Body

Foods that detoxify the body can be found mentioned between the covers of the majority of dieting, health and women’s magazines these days and many people may have got bored of seeing detox diets that can make them lose weight fast. These diets are often written off as just another fad that doesn’t work, but the people that do look upon foods that detoxify the body in that way have obviously never tried it. Many foods that detoxify the body have properties that help to flush out toxins and other non-essential elements, which is their primary function and help you feel better. This function actually enables your organs to work more efficiently so that they do not hamper your metabolism, which can lead to losing weight.

Foods that detoxify the body are actually classified as such now, as well as in their regular food groups, because they do not tend to fit perfectly under one heading. Foods that detoxify the body tend to be natural flora and fauna rather than animal and, as such, have different properties that vary from food to food. However, the one thing they have in common is that they make the different elements of your body work in harmony. Everything works at its best level, and that is why you lose weight! To fully understand what they can do for you, we’ll take the foods one by one and explain!

Grapes are great for detoxifying the body because they contain flavinols, which are widely known for boosting the circulation of blood around your body. This might not sound like it can help you lose weight but it can because your blood takes oxygen to every part of your body and the more oxygen the cells get, the more efficiently they can work and the more calories they burn doing so. If your metabolism speeds up then you lose weight. It’s as simple as that!

Prunes are a great source of fiber and can actually help you to go to the toilet a lot better The fiber goes through your system and passes out with any waste products that are in there. If the waste, or what your body doesn’t need, remains in there then anything that can be stored will be and you’ll put on weight. All fruits and vegetables have fiber in them and, as a result, are foods that detoxify the body and make sure that you lose weight.

Ice-cold water can help to increase your metabolism too. Thought not strictly one of the foods that detoxify the body, it is an important part of any detox diet because your body has to heat the water up and uses calories to do so!

Green tea is one of the foods that detoxify the body because it flushes out all of the toxins and boosts the metabolism, thus enabling your blood to circulate efficiently and reach all of the major organs to make them more efficient in turn. It also has properties that encourage fat burning and thus is great for losing weight.

Eating these foods that detoxify the body can really boost your metabolism and make your body much more efficient. If paired with exercise, the pounds will just fall off you! If you eat these foods in a balanced diet then you’ll feel healthier and will enjoy life much more so they’re definitely worth trying.

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