Monday, 26 May 2008

Allergy Season Is Upon Us!

Allergy season is most definitely upon us. After waking up with extremely dry eyes, a headache and a blocked nose, I decided it was time to turn to the hayfever medication that I usually take at this time of year. I'm only usually affected by hayfever for a couple of weeks before feeling OK for the rest of Spring, but I decided to look into allergies this year instead of popping pills for the duration of the fortnight and found soe great natural remedies.

Hayfever and other allergies are signs of an over-active immune system, believe it or not. I always thought that it was an immune deficiency but apparently not. Hayfever and allergies are your body's reaction to elements that it perceives to be dangerous, hence the streaming nose and eyes. However, you don't need to spend a fortune on medication and supplements to fight it off when you can make home remedies to help you.

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR is very useful in helping fight off allergies. Take a tablespoon full in a cup of boiling water with a spoonful of honey and a dash of lemon juice. The apple cider vinegar will clear your symptoms and your sinuses, whilst the honey and lemon will soothe your throat and ease your blocked nose. This mixture is packed full of nutrients and tastes good but don't take the vinegar on its own because it is really bitter.

There are also other things you can eat to help ease your allergies. TUMERIC and GARLIC are both useful in the battle against allergies. Tumeric is safe to use all the time but beware of eating or taking too much garlic as it can thin the blood and cause untold problems. You can consume both in your food but can also get supplements to make it a little easier. They're definitely better for your body than medication but may help yu fight your allergies given half a chance!

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