Thursday, 16 October 2008

Go Organic: Growing Your Own Fruit And Vegetables

A quick trip around the vegetable section of your local supermarket will today provide you with more choice than ever before, and not only in terms of the types of vegetables and fruits available but also in terms of the different origins and methods of growing. Organic fruit and vegetables are big business today and actually sell far better than they used to because people are becoming more environmentally friendly and more conscious of what they are eating in terms of chemicals.

However, organic fruit and vegetables do tend to be more expensive than regular fruit and vegetables that we havebought for years. As such, the organic version may be out of the price range of many individuals with the credit crunch hitting hard. This is why you should look at growing your own! If you have a back garden or yard and the ability to put a little time into growing your own fruit and vegetables from seeds then you could ultimately save a lot of money.

We started growing our own potatoes this year and with only a few seeds we got quite a good yield. One packet of potato seed gave us enough potatoes for six dinners... and that was from an area in our garden of just one metre squared. My husband used the top soil and supplemented it by using a layer of compost. They were watered regularly and we dug them up when the stems died. The result was a load of gorgeous potatoes that cost us about £1.50 in total when the seeds and compost is taken into account.

If you want to save some money and eat organic fruit and vegetabes then growing them at home is the perfect answer. We're now growing onions, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuces and apples in a larger area of our garden next year... I can't wait!

There are some great seed shops online that can deliver fruit and vegetable seeds to your door for very reasonable price. We used Dobies because they're close to us, but Sutton Seeds is also good. Both stock seeds for all sorts of fruit and vegetables! The links are below if you want to take a look, although I think they only deliver to the UK. Both come highly recommended:

Dobie's link for vegetable seeds
Sutton Seed's link for vegetable seeds

If you want to purchase other stuff for your garden then I think both do that too. I know for a fact that Dobies does but Sutton's is worth a look too. The links are also to the side under "Useful Links" for ease of access.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah organic is really good
