Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Drug Rehab Program Projects For 2009

Addiction help is unfortunately a big part of our society at the moment. With various treatment plans and methodone projects available, there is help for any addict that wants it. I have blogged about drug abuse and rehab before but watched a TV show today that highlighted the need to speak out about it a little more, especially with the New Year drawing closer at a rapid speed.

The show highlighted one mother's plight. Her daughter had been murdered whilst selling her body to pay for her heroin addict and her younger daughter was also an addict. She feared for her safety and constantly brought up the need for help. As a result, I decided to see what sort of Drug Rehab program options were available for 2009, both new and old alike. There were far more than I expected. I acknowledge what treatment plan works for some will not work for others and believe that it is important to find one that will work for you but some were boasting amazing recovery figures. Although I'd like to know how the figures were reached, they do give addicts hope. After all, you cannot put a price on your health but drugs can ultimately bring an end to your life.

I can across one Drug treatment program plan called the NARCONON plan (hope I've spelled that right!). Apparently the program has a 76% success rate and admits those recovering addicts that lapse within 6 months for free. Although some clinics do offer programs for free, I found the information about this program to be comprehensive, flexible and easy to follow. There are many more like that but the success rate amazed me.

If you do take any drugs at all, from cannabis to heroin, then now is the time to make a change. 2009 has to be the year you get clean for your own sake as well as that of your family. I am very anti-drugs and always have been but for those that have made a wrong life choice, now is the time to make the right one.

Speaking of which, I'll be doing a post about hints and tips to quit smoking in a few days time because that may be on many peoples' New Year's resolution list. Stay tuned folks!

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