Monday, 1 December 2008

Blog About Your Passions For Your Health!

Hi all... hope everyone is well. Sorry I haven't been around for a while, or at least not as often as I used to be. I've been suffering with a fair few health issues of my own in recent weeks and have found it difficult to cope. More on that at a later date, but for now I'd like to tell you about an opportunity I've found and one that may help your health!

I always find that getting my worries off my chest makes me feel so much better than I did before. I have a horrible habit of bottling things up until they begin to consume me. That is why I began blogging. Although I am a writer by profession, I felt a blog or two wuld help me to positively focus my energies elsewhere... but that only worked for a while because I did not have a personal blog and so had to remain focused on certain topics and niches. I do have a personal blog now though and I feel better already.

I have recently been diagnosed with Depression and have been struggling to cope. My counssellor recommended that I try t vent some of my frustrations through my writing so I decided to set up a personal blog to do just that. The next day, a friend told me about, which is a blogging host but one that pays $1 for every 100 word plus blog post, plus a few cents for visitors. The money isn't much but it does provide me with an incentive to blog every day and get all of my opinions out there. It really feels satisfying to vent sometimes!

Anyway, I set up English Opinion so please check in if you get a moment.

Also, if you want to start blogging or would like to earn a few dollars from blogging about anything you like then you can do so via this link: You can earn a little money by setting up your own personal blog there or even one in the many health niches it provides.

I didn't realise how beneficial a blog could be to my mental health but it has certainly turned out that way! Take a look for yourself!


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