Wednesday, 27 August 2008

5 Things That Make Me Smile When I'm Down

Lately I've been feeling extemely down. Everyone gets like that once in a while and it can seem like a lifetime before you finally manage to drag yourself out of it. The credit crunch is taking it toll on our household and I, like many others, am absolutely fed up of struggling all the time. I wouldn't go as far as to say my mental health is suffering but I haven't been doing all I can to feel better. As such, I decided to make a list of the 5 things that tend to make me feel better when life isn't going as I planned:

1 - Chocolate - Every woman's favourite. Lazing on the sofa in my pyjamas with a bar of chocolate and a cup of coffee tends to work a treat, at least temporarily!

2 - A Hot Bath - Now I know it's not good for you but I love my baths hotter than the sun when you get into them, the type that you have to ease into inch by inch. Some lavender bubble bath and a good book = an hour or two well spent.

3 - Playing With My Dogs - I have 2 dogs and the pup is a clown. I love playing with them and spending time with them and they both have the ability to cheer me up no end.

4 - A Cuddle - My husband gives the best cuddles! A cuddle makes me feel loved and helps to block out the world for a little while.

5 - A Good Movie - I love relaxing in front of a good DVD. I like romantic comedies because they provide great escapism but then any film will do at times!

Of course, not all of the above will apply to everyone but my best tip at the moment is just to take a little time out and do something you enjoy. At the end of the day, nothing is ever as bad as it seems so enjoying yourself for a while will give you a different perspective. Cliched maybe, but very true!

Friday, 22 August 2008

A Quick Fix For Spots

In my last post, I wrote about acne and how many effective natural remedies there were for it out there. They were all cheap and easy to make at home and worked in harmony with your body. Well this tip I intend to give you a quick tip that has worked for me for years - toothpaste!

Toothpaste is extremely useful when it comes to clearing up that one annoying and often painful spot that appears on your cheek or nose from time to time, typically before a major party or event that you want to look your best at! Obviously it is not good for acne necessarily but it is fantastic for isolated breakouts from time to time.

All you have to do is dab a litle toothpaste on the spot and the nature of the toothpaste will draw the impurities to the surface, thus enabling your skin to clear up quickly and easily without leaving scarring. You will obviousy already have it in your home so it is a quick and easy fix. However, avoid using whitening toothpaste for bringing out the spot because it can be extremely harsh on skin. Regular toothpaste is best.

You could also use a little drawing ointment on it along with a band aid or a used teabag. They do exactly the same thing and work wonders, especially if you need the spot to be gone quicly and effectively!

Saturday, 16 August 2008

The Top 10 Natural Remedies For Acne

There are natural acne remedies everywhere, but so many of the articles on them are the same. If you've read one then you've read them all... and according to manufacturers of acne products none of them work. That's because you have to use this cream, that lotion or the other treatment to get rid of acne in the next few months... and all of those products contain chemicals. If your skin is sensitive then you can forget it!

Did you know that everything the manufacturers say is complete rubbish and that natural remedies for acne work far better?

Chemical treatments and creams may take several weeks to get rid of your acne and will do your skin more harm than good. However, natural acne remedies work with your body, encouraging it to help get rid of acne itself, and so are much more efficient and get rid of your acne much more quickly. There are plenty home natural remedies for acne that you can make yourself, no to mention foods that you can eat to clear your acne. All of them will work in just two weeks. All of the ingredients can be obtained from your local store and cost very little.

For the 10 natural remedies, take a look at the full article I published on AC: Enjoy Clear Skin With The Top 10 Natural Remedies For Acne

Monday, 11 August 2008

By Popular Demand: A Little More About Drug Rehab & Treatment

You may remember that I posted about substance abuse a couple of weeks ago as a result of a story I saw about Amy Winehouse and her latest mental and physical breakdown as a result of her ongoing problems. I had an amazing reaction to that post with several people emailing me asking a few questions about what I'd written. Now, I don't profess to be an expert on the subject because I'm not. I only know what one of my friends has told me and a little from my intial research but I'm going to post a little more about it because it seemed to help people. I firmly believe that information about drug rehab can help people. Even if it only inspires one person to get help then it's better than staying silent.

For starters, it is not well known that any good drug rehab center actually offers a whole host of solutions to a variety of problems. For example, the Cliffside Malibu drug rehab centre actually treats drug addiction, alcoholism, depression, self harm, eating disorders and various other problems that run along the same lines. Many do not seem to realise that drugs and alcohol are not the only conditions that need treating if an individual is to lead a healthy and happy life. It goes way beyond drug treatment. It is in fact effectively life treatment because people can begin to live their lives to the full afterwards, and drugs are not the only things that can prevent people doing that in the first place.

To get the full benefit of rehab you do have to live in for the duration of your treatment because counsellors can only do so much if you are not completely removed from an environment that contributed to your addiction or mental state in the first place. For eample, if you are addicted to cocaine then you may do well in the day but lapse during the evening when you are with your cocaine addicted friends.

Many good drug rehab centres do offer tailored treatment to suit all of your wants and needs so there is effectivel nothing to be scared of. Of course you have to want the help for it to be of benefit to you, but you can find the best possible combination fo you by speaking to qualifed individuals. For example, detoxing is a must if you have a drug problem but then you may find that group therapy works better than individual therapy because you can relate to several people and draw on their support. You may find that alternative medicines improve your state of mind and work better than traditional medications that make your head fuzzy. Everyone is different, but before you can get help you need to recognise the fact that you need it and also want it.

Friday, 8 August 2008

Weight Loss Treatment: Buyer Beware?

I don't know about you but I could do with losing a little weight. I've actually had a lot of weight problems this year as a result of health problems. What started out as unbelievable stress ended up as PCOS and a whole lot of extra pounds. Now, my husband and myself actually want to start a family in the near future and I'm obviously trying to get my system sorted out as a result of that. I've been dieting and exercising for some months now and the pounds are slowly starting to fall off. However, one of my friends recommended that I tried diet pills. At the time I laughed at her and refused point blank to entertain the idea.

I must say that I've been having second thoughts though.

I know that it takes a long time to lose weight and I wouldn't have minded putting it all on had I exercised less and ate more but my routine did not change one little bit. Although I'm not entirely desperate to lose weight to the point of being silly and starving myself, I started looking into getting a helping hand. In fact, I started reading up on various research and found The Online Clinic. I was amazed to find that they actually require you to have a consultation with one of the doctors first. I have to say that I always assumed that those sites would just sell you any old pills without it so this was a little reassuring. They're also regulated by the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency. If that isn't enough, they've also got a panel at the bottom of the homepage telling you how to go about avoiding scams!

Apparently, the also only sell weight solutions that are completely safe and have been rigorously tested as well, such as Acomplia and Reductil. I'm still not sure whether or not to go down this route but the figures related to the former were very interesting. Apparently, during the trials, 50.8% of all people on that medication lost 5% of their body weight over a 12-month period. That is pretty impressive!

If you've ever had good experiences with this sort of thing then let me know because I'd love to know how they helped.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Ladies, Make Some Time For Yourself!

I have to say that one thing I absolutely love to do is have a pamper day. I rarely get the time to even have a bath let alone give myself a facial and a quick foot massage. I like feeling clean after a shower but I much prefer taking a book into the bath! Anyway, I'm sure all of you ladies out there are the same - too busy to take a time out for yourself. Well it's about time you did!

The thing is that it is expensive to have a pamper day at a salon but you can do it at home at a more affordable price... and I'm not talking about Avon. The alternative that I have been using for years is cheaper and has a greater range of products, from female vibrators to electronic massagers to exercise gear to foot creams to relaxation products... the list is endless! It's called Timeforme and it's apparently run by women, which explains why they seem to cater for my every whim (and yours too no doubt!).

I love the skin care products. They seem to work really well with my skin so I just use it when I have a pamper day as a treat. I think that if you use the same stuff day in and day out then your skin does not respond to it as well.

And if you want a little me time to get the blood flowing then their personal massagers will most definitely give you a boost! A little cheeky maybe but it's most definitely true... just take a look at their product range! Cheaper than Ann Summers but just as good!

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Good News For Chocolate Lovers Everywhere

Before I go about spreading the good news, I would love to whole heartedly thank Rachael Ray for this golden nugget of information. I have to say that I got a little excited - CHOCOLATE IS GOOD FOR YOU!

As a self-confessed chocoholic, I was really pleased to hear that alittle chocolate a day can boost your imune system and help to prevent aging. Bittersweet or dark chocolate is packed full of antioxidants, meaning that it helps to combat the free radicals that course around the body attacking and degrading cells. Free radicals are produced naturally in the body in increasing numbers as we get older. As they break the cells down, they can cause wrinkles and a loss of elasticity as well as a poor immune system and an increased likelihood of a variety of health problems. Antioxidants prevent that and thus chocolate is good for you!

In addition to chocolate, a glass of red wine can also help to keep aging at bay. It is also full of antioxidants so a glass of red wine and a little chocolate will go a long way!

Friday, 1 August 2008

Cheap And Effective Home Remedies For Sunburn

So summer, and August, is finally here. The sun is shining outside and everyone is having sleepless nights because it's too hot and humid... but then if you managed to get sunburnt today you probably won't sleep that easily anyway!

Sunburn is horrible to deal with. Many people don't even know when their skin begins to burn and this can lead to extremely red body parts, tight skin and restricted movement. As a result, it is essential to put on sunscreen. We all know that, but what happens if you find that you have sunburn anyway? You go out and buy aftersun rather than making home remedies for sunburn to slather on your arms, legs and other areas that are affected.

Aftersun is expensive and you have to take the trip out to get some if you do not already have some at home. However, there are plenty of home remedies for sunburn out there that you can amke with ingredients you can buy at your local store or may even have at home. These home remedies for sunburn are much cheaper and easier to use.

I wrote an article on home remedies for sunburn and that can be found at this link: Effective And Cheap Home Remedies For Sunburn. All of the recipes are easy to make and extremely hand to have on hand so take a look for yourself.