Thursday, 25 September 2008

Look After Your Heart, Enjoy Your Life!

If there is any part of your body you should want to improve these days it is your heart. We all focus on losing weight and looking younger but many of us forget exactly what makes us get up every morning, what allows us to g about our daily business. In actual fact, many people tend to look at the aesthetics of the body and little else. I am not a huge fan of cosmetic surgery. Whilst I do not judge those that do, I would never choose to go under the knife for the sake of my looks. If I was burned and had to have skin grafts that would be different but I do not see the point in looking after the outside and leaving the inside to its own devices. After all, what use is a good looking corpse?

Sorry o be so blunt but that is what it all boils down to. We should all aim to live long and healthy lives and look young in the process if that is at all possible.

In fact, we are living longer and healthier lives than our ancestors did just two or three generations ago, but yet we often compromise the health of our hearts. As such, I am going to recommend a website I found doing a little research for one of my writing projects. A quick read of some of the articles on it proved to be very sobering today and I want to do a little to encourage everyone to implement a healthy diet and way of life in order to promote heart health in the future. The following sections of the website will hopefully give you enough inspiration (the links to the site are included so you can look for yourself):

Cardiology News - This section covers all sorts of things, from the latest research to healthy lifestyle tip. There is enough information on there to fry your brain but just reading one of the studies should encourage you to take action now. I found the out of hospital heart attack study fascinating and yet scary at the same time!

Arrythmia - I had heard about arrythmia before today but did not have much of a clue as to what it was but if this section does not inspire you to do something about your lifestyle nothing will!

CME Programs - If you do want to learn a little more or have a more profound effect on the world's heart health then this is the section for you. There are all sorts of education programs available and quite a few of them are highlighted here. Even if you do not want to enrol, they are worth a look just to show you what the medical community is doing for us. Thank you all guys!

It is never too late to do something about your heart health so make the change today - you never know when it may save your life!


Anonymous said...

yeah this is the best you can have

lamont189 said...

After going to a california drug rehab center I started to take notice what is really important in life and how I live it. The first thing I looked at was my health and improving it every single day. As I have been running my entire outlook has changed and the enjoyment I get out of life has increased 100%.
